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Mardi 21 Mai 2019
A common theme runs through all the studies set to be launched in 2019: providing France with a model for sustainable development in all its aspects – economy, society, public finances, territories and, of course, environment.
Programme de travail 2019 de France Stratégie

Download the Work programme 2019

Ecological transition is an imperative that requires rapid action. As far as France is concerned, if we are to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, we will need to have made considerable changes in our economy and ways of life by 2030, which means that we have to undertake concrete short-term actions, i.e. by the end of this five-year Presidential term, and incorporate them into medium-term programming.

However, environmental sustainability will not be achieved unless the major changes to be made to our productive model go hand-inhand with a focus on economic, social and territorial sustainability.

This context redefines the role played by the public authorities, which must promote a consistent framework for efforts made by all stakeholders, over the long and very long term, and contribute to immediate “long-haul” implementation of effective incentives to taking action. There must also be a sustainable public finance trajectory if they are to fulfil this new role.

The studies that France Stratégie is set to launch in 2019 fall under six chapter headings:

  • succeeding in ecological transition to a sustainable development model
  • adapting the productive system to the challenges of the 21st century
  • improving the effectiveness and efficiency of public policies
  • decreasing structural unemployment
  • anticipating the future of work and its organisation
  • bringing about harmonious, diversified territorial development

Each chapter begins with one or more brief observations and then goes on to present a list of studies which may be launched in 2019, it being understood that the year will also be seeing completion of projects launched previously.

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