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  • Faire de la politique agricole commune un levier de la transition agroécologique
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    Mardi 26 Novembre 2019
    English Articles

    Making the Common Agricultural Policy a lever for the agro-ecological transition

    The possibility is opening up of adopting a significant agro-ecological transition policy—of developing a common agricultural policy by strengthening its environmental …
  • Les procédures de défaillance à l’épreuve des entreprises zombies
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    Mercredi 06 Novembre 2019
    English Articles

    The challenge of zombie firms for insolvency procedures

    The term "zombie" companies appeared in the 1980s during the long economic stagnation in Japan, which was hit by a dual real estate and financial crisis.
  • 1re Conférence des utilisateurs de données CompNet
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    Mercredi 16 Octobre 2019
    English Articles

    1st CompNet Data Users' Conference

    France Stratégie hosted the 1st CompNet Data Users' Conference on October 8th -9th. This conference was organized jointly with CompNet and the Halle Institute for …
  • La répartition territoriale des emplois publics
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    Lundi 14 Octobre 2019
    English Articles

    The geographical distribution of public sector posts

    Are public sector posts equitably distributed across France? This question is twofold, since it concerns both the appeal of regions and the accessibility of all citizens to …
  • Commitment to gender equality companies operating internationally
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    Mercredi 25 Septembre 2019
    English Articles

    Commitment to gender equality companies operating internationally

    On 31 October 2018, Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, requested the CSR Platform to make a diagnosis, identifying in particular good practices, and …
  • Comment faire enfin baisser les émissions de CO2 des voitures
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    Lundi 23 Septembre 2019
    English Articles

    How can we now reduce CO2 emissions from cars?

    Confronted by the climate emergency, the European Union has established that by 2021 the CO¬2 emissions from new cars will be 95 grams per kilometre.
  • Objectif « zéro artificialisation nette » : quels leviers pour protéger les sols ?
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    Lundi 16 Septembre 2019
    English Articles

    Objective "Zero net artificialization": which levers should be used to protect soils?

    Biodiversity is currently undergoing massive and rapid erosion. The artificialization of soils is one of the main causes, because it destroys natural habitats and ecological …