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  • Programme de travail 2021
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    Mardi 30 Mars 2021
    English Articles

    Work programme 2021

    France Stratégie's programme for 2021 has a simple but demanding ambition: our work should provide useful contributions to public policy when the latter is facing …
  • Déploiement du très haut débit et Plan France très haut débit
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    Mercredi 24 Mars 2021
    English Articles

    Roll-out of super-fast broadband and the France très haut débit plan

    The 2004 Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy introduced Article L.
  • Comité de suivi et d’évaluation de la loi PACTE - Premier rapport
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    Lundi 22 Mars 2021
    English Articles

    Pacte act monitoring and evaluation committee - Summary of the first report

    This first annual report by the committee evaluating the Act No.
  • Comment évaluer l’externalité carbone des métaux
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    Mercredi 17 Mars 2021
    English Articles

    How to assess the carbon externality of metals

    The extraction and refining of metals account for one tenth of global greenhouse gas emissions, though considerable variations do exist.
  • Une nouvelle approche de l’inadéquation des compétences
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    Vendredi 12 Mars 2021
    English Articles

    A new approach to skills mismatch

    Skills mismatch - the sub-optimal use of an individual's skills in their occupation - can be a source of dissatisfaction for workers and a brake for productivity growth.
  • Quelle sécurité d’approvisionnement électrique en Europe à horizon 2030 ?
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    Lundi 01 Mars 2021
    English Articles

    Security of Power Supply in Europe in 2030: an overview

    After the grid operator warned in the autumn of potential power supply diculties in the event of a period of severe cold this winter, the question of possible failures of …
  • Mobilités et Covid-19 : quels impacts sur les comportements et les politiques de transport ?
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    Mardi 16 Février 2021
    English Articles

    Mobility and Covid-19: what impacts on transport behaviour and policies?

    What does the Coronavirus crisis tell us about the mobility patterns of the French? Is it possible to learn from this crisis about the control of greenhouse gas emissions in …